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Misplaced Anger

I have a lot of clients with misplaced anger. From the client that's frustrated because we can't include new debts in her bankruptcy to the client who's upset because they filed a payday loan place in bankruptcy and that payday loan place will no longer cash checks for them.

I try to be empathetic. I really do. But it's tough. On one hand these are people who have been knocked around their entire life. Their lives are first world hell. They can never get by, they can never get ahead, and they're just too dumb to ever live anything but a scavenging existence. I say this not to be cruel, but it's actually just very sad.

On the other hand when those same people are attacking you and blaming you for their situation it's hard to remain empathetic. It's like if you were to hurt yourself, splintering your leg. You go to the surgeon and the surgeon does the surgery but there's years of physical therapy. And then you blame the surgeon because you can't run a marathon the next month.

When I say it like that obviously the person sounds ridiculous, but things always get muddier when you talk about money. People never understand. Or they think if they yell enough then things will go their way.

The sad fact of the matter is that I'm a bandaid on an otherwise festering financial wound. And as long as they can yell at someone, they're going to yell at me.
